Fuck you, array starts from 0

  • 1
    This reminds me of Fortran and COBOL ... ugly beasts from the 60s
  • 6
    It's not the users' fault MATLAB is such a crap
  • 2
    Change to openCV
    Any day the best one..
    After having docs for python ,it is 💣
  • 1
    LUA also starts at one.
  • 3
    "Math people, your decision to follow the conventions of your field is wrong!"

    This argument is old news friend. Move along.
  • 2
    @PrivateGER No, but Lua does
  • 2
  • 2
    Although I learned some BASIC as a kid, it was MATLAB in college that triggered my interest in computer science. So I'll have to give some credit! Whenever I need a graph or some data analysis, I use MATLAB. It's just that easy once you know its quirks. And it does everything. Not efficiently or beautifully and especially not easily, but it will do everything you require.
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