
I Used to scribble my thoughts on paper. It's haphazard yet handy. And even though I can't make corrections without crossing out or drawing arrows to transfer the reader to continuation of the thought on another page, I have this liberty to express myself and glance at a panoramic view before putting them in their final resting place –soft copy

Maybe my thought process became more efficient but I no longer need to flesh things out with ink. Database designs, implementation logic. Everything goes to a special file I create on every project for odds and ends

Until today

I have something to think about. I will miss connecting the dots if they appear in fancy fonts. I need to gradually build upon each outline, pursuing it in an exploratory manner until its possibilities are exhausted. I will draw a conclusion from their character arcs

For some reason, I see parallels between this scenario and sql vs nosql. This is one of those extreme cases where structured data storage is not sufficient. I sincerely doubt nosql should be used as a main database, but instead an intermediary for an aggregator to treat each row/record as a unique blob, extract necessary information into a sql for the actual system to work with

Sql is more sane and recommended for when you know the exact end goal but need help arriving there. Today, I'm confused and need to weigh options. I need to actually cross things out, not press the back button. It's a bit of a stretch but if this were data, it feels like what nosql would excel at

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