
If we finish the sprint early we should be able to take rest of the days off :v

or at half days ffs

  • 1
    Well duh.

    Think about it in middle school and beyond terms. When the teacher makes people work in groups for 1 grade. Teachers know damn well that the one who actually gives a shit is gonna end up doing all the work... anyone who knows that hard working kid then tries to get in their group.

    But... if you're given an assignment, school, social, adult life/work, and you do it well and fast/efficiently... now it's your job forever, plus another job for the extra time they know you could have.

    Same thing applies at blue collar (and below) jobs. You work at fast food, walmart, some random store... work well/better than others you get a fancy manager/team leader title... and a few cents an hr raise. You also get to deal with more bs, stay later, clean up coworker bs & get yelled at by strangers for sht u have no control in.

    Why do u think so many people do the bare minimum to not get fired?
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