
Coworker asking for my help on a crm framework I have never seen before. She was banging her head on the monitor by 1 hour. I read the stacktrace of the error (Java), and 30 seconds later I solved her problem.

Guess who is going laid tonight?

Not me, because she's engaged.

  • 15
    That’s a bit of a dangerous comment to make in these precarious times.

    Help girl with problem = sex

  • 15
    I watched a lot of ugh... documentaies about women having sex with guys helping them or delivering them pizza so... maybe he is refering to them? @SSDD
  • 2
    @tetrishead anthropological documentaries, to be precise
  • 2
    @SSDD well it's an old school joke related to the fact that helping a girl with a PC problem doesn't help you getting laid....never mind.
  • 2
    Well... I let out a small amount of extra air of air out of my nose to indicate I liked it

  • 0
    Well. I sure has been selling myself cheap, doing it for free as a token of appreciation in context of maintaining friendship status
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