
Either my experience with Linux got better or this OS improved a fuckton over the last years. About 3 or 4 years ago installed Ubuntu on my laptop just to try out something different. My experience:
- Reinstalled Ubuntu three times due to me fucking up something.
- Wine, with as little as it could run back then, could not be installed with proprietary nvidia drivers.
- I could not use LibreOffice because of some word bulshit which was needed for school.
- Managing dependencies was a literal hell for me (Different versions installed which resulted in conflicts)

And now:
- Wine 3.0 is about to be released
- Can run most games of today. (Fallout 4, Wolfenstein II, Overwatch)
- I can say that I could do 95% or even more on it. (Which is mostly due to me getting more experienced)

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