
Not sure if this is progress or what... But the people who asked me to fix their laptops or build their website now want me to help them out in starting their very own crypto currency.

  • 0
    Crypto currency == barter system?

    What do you guys feel?
  • 3
    Sounds like they're looking for a way to get rich quick without actually caring or understanding the underlying tech.

    "Crypto" is going to be this year's buzz word
  • 1
    There are already way too many cryptos by people who just forked other coins and don't actually understand it at all. Then they don't bother to update the codebase, leaving security exploits and bugs.

    Avoid those little ones like the plague.
  • 1
    @Highwind "Blockchain" is a big one right now.
  • 0
    @MrMeeseeks Even I still don't get what blockchain is.
  • 0
    @johngreen Cool, I'll check it out
  • 0
    @Highwind I feel like most people who say it don't haha
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