
Rails gems are like heroine. Addicting as fuck and dangerous when you stop using them.

Just the other day I was explaining user accounts explanations to a coworker when he asked me "what if for some reason you cannot use that package"

My brain froze for a minute trying to remember how would one go about doing that without devise.

Dangerous man.

  • 2
    Than you know the concepts and can write it yourself 😁

    What if you can't use the C library for some reason... What if the sun stops shining.... Let him come with a valid reason first and than see if you can not invalidate/work around that reason. Only than look for a workaround, feature cut, reimplementation (in that order).
  • 1
    I know the feeling! Normally I try not to add a gem without having a strong reason to use it. Too much dependencies can fuck you in the ass later on, but that's always a gamble. So I guess it's a matter of how well and regularly the gem is maintained.
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