
This is who really needs to be shot

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    Why? It looks like they're passionate about people with pelvic floor issues. Probably just trying to help.
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    I remove them all within minutes a bit later. I'm busy for church. All those rants are in my database and in my sight. I only have to manually downvote it. I van downvote them into oblivion instead of just a few. They keep coming back but I think it's manual process. Why else only two upvotes back. I will configure the downvoting tomorrow as service. War of spam is not over appearantly.

    Thanks for looking out.
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    @retoor manually run the script I mean. I do nothing manually, everything automated.
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    Aren't we a perfect team? We should have a name. Team rocket or so with that lame rocket emoticon that fake tech people always use.
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