I got 4 raspberry pi's with docker next to me. What's the best way to orchestrate them?
Kubernetes, docker swarm, other?

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    @elgringo that's what i want to run on the pi's. But how to distribute/manage/look-at-the-status-of them?
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    dcos / apache mesos / k8s
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    @elgringo i failed to mention it, but i wanted to know if anyone already had a good setup with multiple pis and orchestration-software.
    Pi's arent exactly high-end-servers with giant amounts of cpu and memory, and not all software/containers are available for armhf-arch.
    It'd be good to know something will work before i try for hours
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    Kubes all the way.
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    @bashleigh i'd love to, but the last time i tried to set up k8s i screwed up. (I tried to create a non-minikube installation on my server). guessing that i will have even more problems on the pi's i wont try it unless i have a clear tutorial

    (I blame the bad documentation and the fact im new to this)
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    Might be overkill for rpis tho
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    @YouAreAPIRate sorry missed this message. Yeaaa start with docker and get used to using them. Then work your way up from there building series of containers that communicate with one another, then maybe move onto dev tool containers and production builds and keep going! I'm not sure kubes I right for managing a series of pis. Why 4 pis though?
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    Personally I'd recommend Rancher managed k8s, it's easier to get off the ground but has the power (and responsibility) you're probably looking for. Then change to rancher 2.0 once it's ready and you'll be sweet ;D

    Actually, if you want something simple to tinker with a rancher managed cattle orchestration might work. It is used for some production workloads so isn't vapourware.
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    Oh you only want monitoring? Prometheus looks fucking amazing!!!! Comes as a docker container. However I'm not sure they'll cooperate with one another. There are some similar tools, if you're using node there's pm2, I've used ctop to monitor my Dockers on my local but never from additional. Docker and kubes have APIs you can talk to somehow? I think? Not 100% o n that but I bet you there's a tool out there somewhere. I'm sure if you Google Prometheus or ctop you'll get similar tools come up
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    @Froot do you know the amount of software that has to run on each pi for k8s? If i have to run a ~50mb ram program thats neglectable
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    @bashleigh following your advice docker-compose is next (and a private image registry). To answer your question, i ordered a few pi's for testing purposes. 4 because i like the number and pi's because they have one of the best price-per-machine
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    @RichardoC thanks for your suggestion, i'll look into it
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    @YouAreAPIRate if you find a decent private image registry let me know!! I've not looked yet. Are you using them for testing?
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    @bashleigh i'll host one myself. I'll dust off my old amd64-server and run docker-registry. I want things to be private and that's the only real way to do it
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    @YouAreAPIRate let me borrow it? XD I found this https://stackoverflow.com/questions... guy mentions dockerprom? I've never heard of it before. Might be what you're looking for? Mentions a master and slaves so sounds the right track?
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    @bashleigh i wouldn't mind sharing that registry with someone, but do you really want a registry with max ~1mbps download? ^^"
    Sorry for not clarifying, but i already use grafana for monitoring. I need something to manage the containers like "stop container on host 0 and put it on host 2" or "run X on two hosts and use a load balancer"
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    If you go for k8s here's a good resource https://gist.github.com/alexellis/...
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    @YouAreAPIRate yea I'm not sure Then? Sorry :/ never managed anything like that.
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