
So I'm wondering if anyone here have claimed the free swag from Codeship? If I'm understanding things correctly you can get 10(?) T-shirts for free? Can anyone confirm or deny this? Sounds too great to be true ^^

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    500 internal error
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    @monr0e I'm not sure I get what you mean? :)
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    @Sn8z I tried to get on the site, I signed in with bitbucket, and the site crashed. Several times.
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    @monr0e Oh, I'm not sure what I thought you meant :D That's weird though, the site works well for me but I'm signed in through GitHub.
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    @Sn8z Tried it with github, same result

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    I got free swag from Codeship. I think I got like 3-4 tshirts and they came with a bunch of stickers. AFAIK you can ask for more shirts if you have a bigger team and want to share.
    I actually really liked using Codeship for my dissertation. Was satisfying to be able to automatically rebuild and deploy every change i pushed to master.
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    @monr0e Didn't realize you got the error when submitting the form. You do need to have shipped at least 5 builds the last 30 days to claim it so if you just signed up that could be an issue.. shouldn't cause a 500 error though.. I haven't gone that far yet since l'm feeling guilty for wanting to claim 10 T-shirts x) Will ignore that feeling and submit it, brb!
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    @CrashOverride Great to hear! I'm just getting in to Codeship and I'm rly enyoing it this far. Their form asks you for how many you want and ranges from 1 to 10 now so I'm feeling kinda guilty for wanting a lot for free :D
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    @Sn8z @monr0e I just submitted the form and nothing crashed for me :/
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    Developer advocate at Codeship here. We still do the free swag.

    We will give you up to 10 shirts for your entire team, as opposed to 19 shirts per person.

    We will get the swag out to you as soon as we can :)
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    @kellyjandrews Haha, 19 shirts per person does sound a bit too generous ;) Keep up with the good service! I'm looking forward to some swag ^^
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    Here is a hashtag photos form others around the globe

    Check out these search results: https://twitter.com/hashtag/...
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