So my first dev job has ended up as fucking dat entry after one of the contractors got bored and left.

I’m an SQL Developer (at least that is my job title) and all I do is fuck around with exchange rates in spreadsheets.

The only “proper” development work they gave me hasn’t even been applied to the test server yet (should have been done over a month ago)

And the project they gave me to look into migrating from sourcesafe to GitLab has ground to a halt.

I’ve been here 4 months and I want to quit already, that must be a record (for me at least)

I was keen an full of energy, willing to do some work from home etc. But a little piece of me dies every time i open Excel

  • 2
    To stop you dying a little, perhaps a challenge:

    If you have any lookup tables on your formulae, see if you can convert them into API calls.

    I’d start just by converting a small part of the business process into an API call and gradually rework the system this way.

    As programmers, we do NOT want to do the same thing twice. Live by that philosophy and start changing tiny parts of the process silently.
  • 0
    Automate your job mate 😎
  • 1
    After doing two hours over time from home working on this my boss said “I think we’ll need to write a program to manage this.

    So might actually get to open visual studio
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