
Is your 20-line long signature detailing your role, team, office location, other office locations, company division, place of birth, etc. really necessary? And on every email in the same thread?

  • 3
    Idk it could be helpful. One day you might be asking yourself. "Where was Billy-Bob McEmailsalot from? I just have to know!"

    And at that moment youll be thankful he included it.

    I often include things such as my favorite wines, and top five romcoms just incase someone wants to ask me out spontaneously...over email
  • 2
    I don’t find the signature the worst part, it’s the stupid warning at the end that’s two paragraphs long say that you must delete this email if you are not the recipient, etc. like who the fuck ever paid attention to that shit. Stupid fucking lawyers.
  • 2
    I worked with a woman who included in that lengthy signature her favourite inspirational quotes. She thought it really added a lot to her professionalism to have a bunch of quotes tagged on. Yes. At the bottom of every email. Yes, also always the exact same quotes.
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