Taking a wellness day tomorrow...

Because adult happens.

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    Does your company allow these sorts of things? I’ve had significant experience with mental health in work and I have to say I’ve yet to encounter a company that has dealt with it properly. One came close.

    That’s why I’m now working for myself 👍
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    @Brolls I've probably been quite lucky with my jobs for the most part, but the majority of mine dealt with my mental health very well
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    Yes, it does @Brolls, they've been wonderful.

    Well, they promote themselves that way on their careers page, but for me this is still a relatively new thing, and I personally felt the need to express some stress that I'm going through outside of work to my boss, and to ensure he is ok that I took today as a chance to relax.

    He's been really cool! Feel very lucky. I'm currently seeking a developer beneath me so I'll be all the more supportive now too 😉
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    No word of a lie. My last employer literally fired me for absence due to mental health the day after a company event day, where they discussed their values and touted their desire and availability for dealing with mental health issues.

    You can’t make this shit up 😂

    I know they’re ultimately a business, but I’ve found so many employers stumble at the final hurdle in helping.

    It’s not so much that individual people are dicks, I think it’s just that decision makers are far enough removed from you personally (as in day to day interaction), that it becomes an easier decision to make. It’s almost like organisational hierarchy can’t help but produce these negative responses.
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    That's a good point... The industry definitely needs a shake-up!
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