
Make a good game which can make enough money so I no longer have to make websites to survive. I want to make great adventures, games, leave a footprint after me...

  • 1
    Hi me!
    (Well I don't earn money yet..)
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    @irene yeah I have a small company for making websites since this is currently the only source of money we have. Trying to dedicate some earnings / time to game creation but it is so hard and so slow.
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    @irene undertale, unturned, cave story, stardew valley, papers please?

    And I'm sure there are many more
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    @irene some of those have, the others could have, it's definitely possible is my point.

    OP just talks about wanting to develop a game successful enough to bring in steady money. Which can support him properly in working on what he's passionate about.
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    P.S. flappy bird 😂
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    @irene yeah of course, that's the indie game market summarised right there. But you were taking about studio size
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