Yes! Haven't even graduated yet, and just got hired as Junior Developer - score!

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    Congratulations first step in a long career.
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    Congrats, don't forget to keep learning 😉
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    @Gnonpi Learning is what drives me ;)
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    Congrats Dude.
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    Congratulations mate
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    All these gratulations - thank you all! 😊
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    I got hired as a junior developer as a junior in high school and then 8 months later, I had to quit because the company ran out of money and couldn't pay me anymore, so hopefully that doesn't happen to you
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    @alexmrabin Well, that's sad. Did it turn out well? Luckily for my this company happens to grow by almost 50% a year, so I would argue it's clear for now ;)
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    @ScriptCoded the company basically doesn't exist anymore. No one works there other than the CEO. And okay that's good, you should be fine.
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    @alexmrabin That's sad :/ (Btw, accidentally reported your comment, sorry!!!! 🙈)
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    Cheers mate, good luck!
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    Grats! Just remember...

    In order to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion.
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    @ScriptCoded First of all, congrats on landing the job :)

    That said, I just want to be completely honest with you here. If a company grows by 50% a year, that can also be a bad sign. It's all about execution and it's not as black and white as many people put it :)
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    @JMoodyFWD Haha, I just break the loop and start from the end ;)
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    @aaxa Yeah, guess that might be true. My hopes are high however :) They even had flowers delivered to my door when I got home :o (not sure if _that's_ a good sign though 🙈)
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    @ScriptCoded I think that's a pretty good sign that they're willing to invest in their employees, which is just as important as anything else :)
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    @aaxa Yeah, so I thought as well ;)
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    Congrats dude! Same situation here, will finish school at the end of this semester and already got hired. Is it only me that is terrified and super excited at the same time?! 😂
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    @wrgl0 Hey congratulations 😁 Got started last Friday, wasn't that terrible 😉 Hope all goes well!
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