
Each time I try to study someone else’s (cool) JS files, to learn from it, there are always some funky function calls that throw me off. I wish the person could be beside me and just walk me through why they did what they did at each step.

It’s just tough sometimes. I see all these cool projects on GitHub and I go, “let me try to analyse it,” and then I see all these properties too. Sometimes I feel compelled to just check the API but it seems like I’d be going into a blackhole of never-ending API depths.

What are some tips that you JS pros have?

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    That’s why comments were invented, remember when those where a thing?
  • 1
    @-vim- you comment whole blocks/sections of techniques. You don’t comment all your nuances.

    And so far, JS is the one language where everyone has their own (varied) way of Doug a particular thing so it can be tough for anyone learning the language to abstract that it’s something they’ve already seen, but done differently, or it’s something entirely new. That’s one of the things I meant.
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