
Me *downloading some weird linux distro to test in VirtualBox - I only do this once a month for like 1 hour*
my brother: Oh my god! Are you downloading something again? Moooom he is downloading something non-stop

every day:
my brother *watching some series/YouTube videos/playing ping-sensitive multiplayer games - all the fucking time, everything he does all day is this + eating and sleeping*
me *retrying multiple times to load anything, including devRant* 😒😠

  • 7
    Definitely experienced this as a teenager
  • 6
    Block the sites in router or make them accessible via proxy or password , then he will come to know the power of us. And may be he will not only start appreciating but also start taking guidance from you to become one like us.
  • 9
    Here's a nice little thing that could help out when you need to use the internet https://github.com/k4m4/kickthemout
  • 9
    This is why I gave my family a leisurely bandwidth cap/reserve of 16Mbit/s, to this day they haven't noticed.
  • 1
    @rookiemaverick can't, he knows I control the router so when there is any problem with the internet he blames me
  • 0
    @Pandentia hahah.. well... on paper we should have 20mbps connection(and on ISP's website it even says 40mbps), in reality it's around 10.5mbps(dropping to 5mbps on bad days) so limiting their connection it not really an option
  • 1
    @three333 that could work but I will have to flash a custom firmware onto the router because right now it only allows limting connection speed to a list of URLs, no UDP or wildcard throttling
  • 0
    @D3add3d would it be possible to set QoS and set your devices as highest priority?
  • 0
    @BakerMcBaker I would need better networking hardware for that
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