
Scenario 1
Friend 1:"Hey, you're good at computers right?"
Me:"Erm yup."
Friend 1:"Can you hack Instagram? I've lost my password."
Me:"Oh My God."

Scenario 2
Me looking at a friend's unity C# code
Me:"You know there's an enter key right? Why is your code horizontal not vertical?"
(Means that after a semi-colon he continues his code)
Friend 2:"I like to read my code in horizontal, that feels natural to me"
Me:"What ever, as long as it works. But why do you have so many if function inside another if function?"
Friend 2:"Cuz I want the player to do this while moving"

  • 3
    I can excuse the nested if statements sometimes because it's quick and dirty or maybe that's just the way someone is better able to code it...but horizontal....my god man
  • 2
    If it was js he could say that he write minified code :D
  • 0
    Horizontal sounds like a nightmare 😱
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