
When conditionally hiding a checkbox turns out to be more difficult than a whole backend story.

  • 2
    ​Pretty simple to hide and show. What's the condition you're trying to check?
  • 1
    @JMoodyFWD i think the problem is the visibility condition, maybe it's based on several objects, attributes or whatever. In that case, unless you're using react/vue with redux/vuex, it's pretty difficult designing an architecture that always makes sure the checkbox is updated when the data changes.
  • 1
    <input type="checkbox" v-if="condition" v-model="value"/>. I like vue.
  • 0
    The problem is more related to the code quality. Before I could figure out how to hide the checkbox in this condition I had to figure out the current implementation (scala using handlebars with some JQuery thrown in). We have a legacy webapp using Play and a newer app using Angular. stuff in the old webapp is just generally harder to modify.
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