
What to choose for first job?

1. Small company "10-15 people" working with CRM systems C# Full stack.

2. Big company "1000+ people" working with java backend.

Same pay and language doesn't really matter right now. What's best for the future?

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    I'd prefer 10 person C#!!
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    I have a job like 2) . It's also my first job. Doing it for like 2.5years.

    I'd pick it over 1) because that way you see how things should or could be in a proper dev environment when there's a lot of people involved. I mean stuff like staging, automization, basic security stuff like AD. If I ever swap to a small company now I could design my stuff a whole lot better from the beginning so I run in a lot less trouble later on if it needs to be expanded, scalable, maintainable(which it always does).

    That's just my 2 cents
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    Oh and language wise I pref c# over java and see the future more in c# too. The hop from one language to another is rather small though
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    Really glad for the input! I've been out on internship for 6 months during school and been at a smaller company and a slightly larger one. I’m mostly afraid that small companies tend to do too much of the same thing over and over again.

    Sure, the smaller one I know I'm going to get more responsibility and customer contact since it's CRM based and implicit in my contract. But I know the company is doing well and there's plenty of senior programmers and they are willing to and have the time to aid me somewhat. I'm up for challenge anyway and my goal is to be scrum master and product owner in the future and I think that working in a smaller company might give me more experience in more fields immediately. I also feel like the smaller company is safer working wise since they aren't as dependent on new assignments.

    The bigger one though I think offers more programming experience in the long run and might also look better on my resume, if that matters?
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    @irene Well I got friends that have that title so I'm pretty sure ;)
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    @irene Well maybe not in "title", they are still developers with different responsibilities like project manager at a certain level and that can be called scrum master at bigger companies. They got 8-15 years of experience. They still can't give me any recommendation though on what first job to choose :S

    I got 2 offers and it is driving me nuts, one job is slightly better in salary but it’s not any deal breaker.
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    @irene scrum master is a job description. Ofc it is :o they are also very well paid. Is usually older dev transitioning to that position.

    But don't watch me, when I am too old to code efficiently I am going to open a restaurant.

    Also 10% discount to all the ranters.
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    @irene They also work on organising user stories, coordinating the team with other teams and to take care of product owner. Of course they make sense only in big enviroments
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    @Irene No, there is a position as Scrum master. As said before it's more common in bigger companies.
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    Why would you choose the smaller company? What reasons?
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    @irene it's mmmh an ugly hybrid between pm and lead dev. and Sadly is kinda needed in big companies
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    @irene It's a real occupation, try searching for jobs. There is a position that is calle Scrum master or Agile scrum master.
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    If you want to get hands on experience and also have personal growth go for a small company, big company will might provide just the fame but small one will mould you 👍👍👍
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    Thank you, I''m leaning towards the smaller company actually :)
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    All the best for your first job👍👍
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    the small size crew !!!!!
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