Dear boss, please give me a more challenging project. I am sick and tired of editing someone else’s HTML and CSS which doesn’t even go through a build process and the JS is basically Jquery. It would be better if no one else can get into my codebase and the project has no relations or anywhere near our flagship product. Please involve some sysadmin tasks that I really want to learn. For front end I want to use React , boss. Or at least ES(6)=>. NodeJS would be nice too but I’m not fussy with the backend language. Even PHP would do. Please give me a genuine problem to solve, anything mathematical, machine learning would be awesome! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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    @Jmann he’s a really good boss. He encourages us to learn and do R&D. But we are almost a non profit. So sometimes we can’t afford to undertake a new project.
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