
What a day! yesterday i submited a new version of our mobile app and the shit began.
The app was validated during the night (AppStore), when i wake up this morning my inbox was full! Basically every users who updated the app was stuck i tried to figure out whats going on. After few hours our customer service called me to help one of our client who was very angry, the funniest part is that the client recognize me... i was his teacher few years ago...
Guys i feel raped... really

  • 5
    Sooo.. What went wrong?
  • 4
    @uziiuzair good question! @write0x we need answers! (Once you found the issue of course :P)
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    I'm not used to app programming, but in most other software rollouts you can alays roll back to previous version - supposed your process of development and delivery is okay.
    Is an app rollback possible?
  • 0
    Nop you can’t thanks Apple
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    @Wack i forgot to mention the app is for a car sharing service 😊 so all our users was blocked out/in car
  • 1
    @write0x what a great way to start the easter breake... Not.
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    @write0x by any chance are you working for Uber? Because I've not been able to book a ride all day 😂
  • 2
    @uziiuzair pretty sure there would be a lot more people being thrown at that problem.

    @write0x what you might want to consider is building a system for granuarely role outs. Meaning you can controll by user (or group) if a feature should be shown/used in the app. That way you are able to rollout new features to internal/betatesters firat, then start to increase those numbers and you'll always be able to "roll back" by just disabling that feature all together again.
    It's more tricky for updates, as you would need to duplicate code during that rollover and once every one is migrated get rid of the old functionallity.
  • 1
    @Wack i agree but in my case i submitted an app linked to a framework in dev mode...
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