Gotta love Swift

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    But not Xcode.
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    Definitely not Xcode. It is still optimized for Objective-C. Those compile times are a joke.
  • 1
    What do you love about it? Not trolling, just curious :)
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    Things like type-Safety, type-inference, property observers, etc.. Also, because it is protocol-oriented you can easily write reusable and more modular code. And then it is a very readable language. You can easily understand what's going on.
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    Also because of that I've began to use it in server-side as well.
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    As a Swift and C# dev when having to play with data binding and observers I prefer C#

    I hope one day apple introduce a data bidning framework instead of having to use delegates and datasource (e.g. UITableViewDataSource)

    Not sure how good it is as I only use in my personal projects, but I'm somewhat using MVVM for my Android apps, not pure MVVM cuz it's a Microsoft thing and needs frameworks like Prism. Anyways, having everything in UI bound to either ViewModel, utils stuff ..etc. tried it in my iOS app, was able to go near it though I still needed to implement those delegates, but VuewModel did make my view controller a lot cleaner than before
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    Yes, it does not support data binding out of the box but you can always use something like ReactiveKit. I used MVVM for some projects but started noticing, at least for ios, the view model have too many responsabilities ( api requests, business logic, saving persistent data, table views data source, etc..). Because of that I've started to use a more clean approach and decided to start using VIPER pattern. Its the swift clean architecture and it's only architecture that takes navigation into account (correct me if I'm wrong pls).
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