
Removed a USB without ejecting it.

On a Mac.

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    @faheel Feels bad
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    Life’s too short to safely remove hardware
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    @OscarSouth Lost around 100Go by not doing this shit... Life is never too short to do this. Never... I SAID NEVER!
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    safelyRemove :: Bool -> Decision
    safelyRemove importantData =
    | importantData == True = safelyRemoveHardware
    | otherwise = lifesTooShort
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    @OscarSouth You can't know the value of your data until you lose it. 😢
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    @NotFound in general I’d imply not important as something like a bootable USB pen or duplicated data that I’m transferring from a to b. I don’t even unplug an archive drive without powering off the machine and seeing all the lights on it turn off, haha.
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