Missed one parameter in an export. Resulted in a $1k mistake. FML

  • 4
    If you learnt about it, it's fine.
    I've made mistakes too...

    Once I broke a feature, and apparently the entire invoicing was based on it, so we missed out on about 3 months of $$$... Bosses weren't happy, but I've learnt and they understood.

    Never making that mistake again.

    (also, for most companies, it still sucks to lose 1k$, but it really isn't that much)
  • 0
    Yeah compared to that I guess my mistake wasn't that bad. The company I work for is a bunch of penny pinchers though so any loss is like the end of the world to them @FMashiro
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    @iKameo I had to write an export to retrieve data inside of strings. Missed one piece of data to poll and the entire export was wrong because of it. Dealing with string data is a pain in my fuckin ass.
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