What just happened?
I had my annual review meeting with my bosses and everything was going well and I was doing a great job and I was working so independently and they were happy I used my training budget efficiently, great attendance and I have good standing at the customer, although I'm the only representative there. BUT... BUT... BUT... there will be no chance of a raise this year, because the company is not doing quite well currently (OK, I can understand that part) and also because I didn't do anything for business development, didn't bring new projects or anything.
I'm a developer, your typical slightly introverted geek. I'm not doing sales. That's not my job. That's not me. That's a part of why I'm not a contractor. I had this before in another job, and those expectations which seem to always only come out during those evaluations, were part of the reason why I left.
Fuck this for putting me in this situation again.
I'm really wanting to start looking for an in-house job at some production company again. Do these jobs still exist? Those consulting companies seem to expect things from me I can't and won't deliver.

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    Just happened to me 2 days ago. My boss did not tell me that he will not get me a raise. Way worse.
    I am underpaid (so underpaid that even a fresh out of college gets more than me) , and he told me that he will raise my salary by $2500.... In a year. So from $60k/year, I will get $62500 / year. This is offense. Mocking.
    It might sound a lot for some countries, but in USA, in the area where there is Harvard, MIT, Tufts. Where Google, Facebook have offices here he tells me that.
    You should start looking for another job.

    That is why sometimes I think it is better to work on corporation. You don't have these craps for money.
    Bad thing is that they have a lot of rules there.
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