"That's a frontend problem."

Really? And you call yourself the engineering lead? Oh right, "frontend is not engineering", was that it? Ok, thanks a lot for the help, you can continue licking your balls now. I don't know why I still bother trying to ask you for advice.

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    That summarizes the problem that I have faced in the web development industry multiple times. No-one wants to go out of their comfort zone. There's strict division between selling, designing, graphics, front-end, backend, platform / customer software development, languages and system administration.

    Why should they? If they are happy and well paid. Why to do more.

    I'm in complutely different position still, trying to create my career as a student. I'm underpaid and doing about everything I get my hands onto.
    This will still go for a while, but unless there's no finansial advancements, I start to specialize too.
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    Those who are that ridged don't survive in the long run.

    Adapt and overcome.
  • 1
    What was the gist of the problem? Genuinely intrigued.

    At our company we used to be very divided, as @joas describes.
    Everyone just wanted to master their level of the stack.
    but now we’ve agreed that if a frontend application needs to add any complex logic to restructure data - that should be done at the api/backend level. And it’s such a relief.
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    @jiraTicket validating part of a form using ajv (https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv) and redux-form (https://github.com/erikras/...)

    ajv is used a lot in the backend, so I asked them for help and got this response.
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    @jiraTicket but the bigger issue here is more about company culture. The mindset here is that "frontend is just painting". I'm really sick of it.
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