
The colleague next to me came into the other day with a new, or al least new to him, computer. A Mac Mini.
30.something years ago I worked as a computer repair guy and I had to work on Apple products. I've hated them ever since. Not built for repair. I "shared my opinion" with my colleague but didn't get very much of a respsonse.
Well well, the Mac Mini broke down after just a few days. He asked someone for a price to repair it and it was about twice what he payed for it.
I'm glad he didn't ask me.

  • 4
    Yh, i did work as professional repairer too. I refused repairs for people I know in general at certain point. It's easier to sell a customer you don't know that you didn't backup the folder he didn't tell you about than a friend or smth. It was before Macs were so popular. Phew. But I did SOLDERED in laptops tho. Since we were the only company doing such crazy shit, others were sending their horror customers to us. Can't say it was without a challenge. It was hard to have customers satisfied since such reparations costed a certain amount of hours.
  • 3
    @retoor tell me this isn't you, please:
  • 3
    I remember this pic.

    Damn... That woman was lucky the thing wasn't turned ON.

    Either that, or we're seeing the pic moments before she realized her error in judgment.
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