My friend and boss,told me he would teach me code 2 years in a half ago.

I didnt know what css or html was and i used to call java javascript.

I can know create my own module with webpack, have my automated doc, use react, redux, he taught me linux, git,unit testing, databases,docker, and so on...

Im not an expert in any of it butbi know what they are for and can play with them more or less comfortably.

The best advice he ever gave me was:

“coding is not about coding. We are like the greath painters of history. They were great at painting but even more at creating. If you have no creativity, you can paint as well as you want, its worthless.”

  • 7
    True - coding is only for those who are fine with remaining students for their lifetime.

    Great post - best of luck and terrific job learning all of that!
  • 0
    All on my friend. He has been coding since he is 10. Always tried to get friends working with him. And im here and stsrted at 28 years old.

    Really wish i had listen to him before.

    But yeah i owe him and recoginze the dedication.

    He is a beast in himself.
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