
Triggered by a spelling error in a backend API endpoint.

Must resist urge to change it.

It says "respondants" instead of "respondent".

  • 3
    Don't ignore it. deprecate it and copy the endpoint.
  • 4
    Don’t defecate on the floor in the house with the broken window.
  • 8
    i see your "respondants" and raise you "seson_wheels", "waining_time", "reservarand" (instead the german word "reserverad" - oh, bonus points for mixing german and english) - all in just one Dto.
  • 4
    @tosensei ArtikelNumber
  • 4
    @tosensei dutch sayings translate well. "Make that the cat wise!".

    @int32 maybe it's just valid retoor language. It's trending atm.
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