
So am mainly a backend developer , my friend called me asking if I can hack someone phone ..!
I asked him if the phone is in the same wifi network as urs. Then maybe there is a possibility .. he said : " I only have the phone number . And also the phone is switched off .. I keep calling it and it's always off .. "
I told him .. : dude if I can hack a switched off phone ! We wouldn't be friends.. !!!! 🤭🤭

  • 1
    @fuck2code hahahah that's was good !
    The hack FB thing i get every know and then .. but first time someone ask me to hack an offline phone ! Imagine !! 🤣
  • 1
    Same WiFi network? Man in the middle?
  • 0
    @ay2306 yup .. my "hacking" skills are very basic ... But with the help of YouTube I managed man in middle attack couple of times for fun ....
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