this is something that's always bothered me, I figured this would be the perfect place to ask. so some projects have files you need for development but can't commit to VCS (for example, files containing AWS keys, certs, etc). I've always dealt with this by just storing them/backing them up on an intranet server not connected to the internet. does anyone have a solution easier than manually distributing these files to new developers via a flash drive?

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    @oxmox is there an API or something? I need it to be readable like from a file from an application
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    If you want to access them via api you could also just place them on a net drive and restrict the access to just special users...would basically be the same.
    Certificates I would handle locally on pc ans just use e.g. .gitignore
    With keypass you just need one master password to access all your other account details you have put under keypass. You might also be able to store the content of a certificate...but never tried this.
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