Ever wrote a code, came back the second day to continue it, and was like wtf who wrote this yesterday? 😂

  • 3
    This is why I always comment my code as if an idiot is going to read it, because by the next day I am that idiot
  • 0
    @Permamiss 😂😂good one! And welcome to Devrant!!!
  • 0
    Maybe not the next day, but absolutely after, say, a couple of months! And as @Permamiss says, comment your code! Tell your future self how the hell you were thinking.
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    One time I was high, but still had some work to finish asap, the next morning when I checked the code it was a disaster, but the funny thing is that it worked 🤣
  • 1
    @numb3rs yeaaa true, when i do code review, i wonder how the fuck it was working! xD
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