any idea where I can put a backup of my password files in case my main drives is not working for some reason?

  • 1
    USB, CD, cloud storage, vpn
  • 3
    LastPass workshop like a charm for me
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    You could print them on a golden plate, wrap it in styrofoam and store in a vacuum chamber 30m below the ground in a vault. Or use a password manager.
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    *ran away
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    @lucaspar i do use a password manager, my passwords are enrrypned otc, but im afraid of losing the password manager file
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    @gnulinuxer4fun got it, you could encrypt the file with a master password and save it in the cloud (where you could still apply another layer of encryption), or save to another hard drive if you want to keep it offline.
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    Use it daily 3-4 times for a month or password managers are good.
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