
So I've been trying to debug a bug for the whole day. I've been trying and trying to discover why my update method of my User class wasn't working.

I've tried a lot of stuff, searching and searching through my code possible reasons, adding debug prints everywere...

Guess what: it was working. The thing was that I had the user modified in the DB so I wasn't able to modify it since it was already modified. I even tried to find the bug inside the get method saying "hey, that's not the actual user in the DB!"

Thanks, brain!

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    Just to cheer you up. I was at a 72h game jam with my brother. We where coding a multiplayer game in js Wich could be played in every Webbrowser. After about 20h in I worked on some features for our UI and couldn't make it run so I helped testing a feature on my brothers Webserver. After getting something to eat I went back to work. But everything I tried didn't work nothing changed I nearly lost my mind. My brother couldn't find the problem either. After messing around waaay to long with it I had to test something on the other server again. And then it hit me like a truck on steroids. I was still testing on my brothers server wich still ran a bugged version of my UI code. I went back to my server and it worked absolutely perfect. And this was the moment I realized I need to go to sleep a few hours.
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