
Man in the event of some newcomers to the development game, those that will mostly work in the web domain or sys admins that are in training I want to offer some small advice:

Do not neglect vim

I know it might be a bitch to use at first. And I will never use it as a replacement to vs code. But fuuuuuck me I cannot count the number of times that vim wizardry has helped me when dealing with servers when dealing on a machine with windows and nothing but putty.

The thing is a lifesaver yo, and it makes for an impressive show when doing something in front of senior executives.

Learn it, love it, live by it

And exit is :q, save is :w, to copy and paste is :v then surround the text and then y to yank it and p to paste it.
:vsplit and :split are your friends and to move around splits is ctrl w and direction.

Good luck my friends. Stay classy.

  • 2
    I'm favoriting this. I need to keep practicing with it.
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    @starrynights89 just keep going at it man! Eventually muscle memory will kick in at it will feel more natural :)
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    @Bitwise yeah its surprising, it seems sometimes like vim and emacs are loosing users. Can't really blame em in some cases since not everyone wants or has the time needed to learn them editors.
  • 3
    I would rather complain because there is no state of the art consoles text editors that behave and look more like a GUI text editor than a f*cking console.
    80 characters length per row is bs

    I mean, if I deal with console commands I enjoy the flow, but if I had to edit a text, which relies on a bit different flow of working(because most of people has started with a simple notepad like app), I would rather want an intuitive (and possibly rich) interface than a mixture between console commands, modal flow and text editor.

    Ps: I know that the first digital text editors lived in the console because there were no such thing as rich GUIs, but those times are long gone, the latest generation of adults and youngsters have mostly grown with GUIs rather than consoles, that's it.
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    @hugh-mungus did you read the rant?
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    I'd bet a zillion currency units it had vi.
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    @hugh-mungus allright then, take all the time you need to understand it now :P i won't judge.

    I promise.
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    I remember the times of Turbo Pascal 3.0 which had a similar editor, and I hated it from the get-go.

    These days? Notepad++. I'm fast with the GUI because I use the mouse with my left and have the right hand for cursor keyboard navigation at the same time.
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    @Fast-Nop i ain't saying to have it replace your entire environment, I actually mentioned a specific use case in which it would benefit knowing how to use vim.
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