How that can happen?

  • 20
    There are many ways this could happen. For example: if the code is transpiled into another language (e.g. typescript to JavaScript) the console will display errors in the resulting JavaScript. So the line numbers won't match the original typescript file.
  • 4
    Happens all the time when I'm using react haha
  • 6
    Good old python or node includes, oddest error messages sometimes
  • 2
    Most likely showing the error line based on the bundled & concatenated dist file. Use source maps! ✨
  • 2
    TypeScript! </3 Joking, mostly <3
  • 2
    Babel or some third-party library/framework
  • 1
    Accessing decompiled source code and not the original.
    Accessing a different version of what's deployed.
  • 1
    "Argh, must've wrote it wrong"
  • 1
    Basically Vue.js with Webpack and TypeScript :D
  • 1
    @D3add3d vue webpack is pretty damn good about telling you exactly where and what the error is though.
  • 0
    I remember those happening a lot when there was no .map files ...
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