
When you casually read your functional programming book, flip a page and find a juicy meme 😂

  • 4
    Pretty sure you can write "Hello, world" in the repl and it will print it out in the screen
  • 6
    @beegC0de must be delightful cracking jokes around you at a party hehe

    Just a friendly banter so don't get offended:)
  • 0
    Lol the real explanation is even larger than that
  • 0
    @aerfromenes except the joke is based on completely false information and isn't clever at all. Now if it mentioned brainfuck instead...
  • 3
    @beegC0de I mean I'm pretty sure the joke actually referred to how challenging things that we consider simple can become in a pure functional programming language more than actually printing anything anywhere but sure... hello world repl print :)
  • 4
    main = putStrLn "Hello, World!"

    whew, he must be overcomplicating it
  • 2
    @beegC0de dude

    It's a joke

    It isn't meant to be "accurate" or whatever (what joke ever is accurate?), It's an exaggeration of how many people perceive functional languages

    And since you've mentioned brainfuck: considering it only consists of 8 instructions, I think it's fair to say that it's a much simpler language than Haskell
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme simple spec != Simple to use
  • 0
    @beegC0de I never said that it's easy

    I said it's simple. Two different things
  • 0
    @Krokoklemme I'm saying brainfuck looks unintelligible no matter what you write, but you could figure out exactly what a hello world program is doing if you read the Haskell code pretty easily
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