
why don't monitors have physical fucking brightness buttons?!
I had to navigate through menus of 4 different monitors, just to adjust them to #mondaysucks
and I had to do it the same time, so they would all match brightness

tomorrow I have to do it again, I guess I'll block off a few hours on my calendar for it :D

  • 1
    Remember when we had rotating dials?.. I miss those. I had this frustrating experience with the touchscreen panel on my TV also..
  • 1
    This is why I'm so happy to have the monitors I have. Simple script allows me to change the brightness from my command line, and do it across all the monitors simultaneously.

    EDIT: `ddccontrol` is what I'm using
  • 0
    @mrmakeit im using i3 and have bound some xrandr commands to keys, makes monitor configs so much easier
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