when u cant think of a normal function name

  • 0
    find_sig_bit? What architecture is that?
  • 0
    I use abbreviations like get index of would be gio.
    So ad_gio_sig_bit i always comment at least one abbreviations incase someone else reads.
  • 0
    @skprog this function was written by people who created c++ as a language and it is stored in bit_functions.cpp file.
  • 1
    What sick monster writes functions like that?
    function() {
    // </>
    is the only way.
  • 0
    In CUDA this function is called __ffs for find first set (bit). Just suggesting.
  • 3
    What assembly lang/syntax is that?
  • 0
    Whats wrong with that name? I mean the 'get' not needed but the rest is really good...
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