Update on my student job :

Today they put me on a new project.
Basically, I have to update a database of buildings owned or rented by the company. They provided me a lot of data including the address of each building but I need the GPS coordinates.
They wanted me to do it manually, copy pasting from Google maps (info: there's 75 buildings).
So I wrote a small script using an API to automate that, took me 20 minutes.

My colleagues were like "how the fuck is that possible ? We always do it manually, always takes ages !"

  • 18
    Be sure to point out the obvious: how much time it will save people in the future.
  • 7
    Great job! Who knows how much time/money you've saved them.
  • 3
    Great job.
  • 3
    Nice nice u got em
  • 3
    @marcerisson yes of course, it's a student job during the summer. It allows me to pay my studies :)
  • 3
    ++ goodJob

    I find the same thing occurs daily in most of my user’s processes. Never thinking there’s an alternative course of action which might take less time. “No no, we like this, means less time for real work” smh
  • 2
    @trevorant welcome on DevRant !

    I had the same problem last year when a company told me to process the 260k lines of data with Excel because they don't know how a database works. I even asked for Access but they refused.

    So I processed data (filter, selecting columns, sorting) during more than 8h when a simple SQL query would have done the same job in seconds. Of course I had to redo everything because they had forgotten about a specific column of data they needed, and that repeated 5 times.
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