Those feels

  • 11
    Hell no
  • 3
    As a C++ dev, s/python/go/

    I could not get used to indentation instead of curly braces.
  • 5
    I see a lot of "Hell no"s in the comments. Yet I agree with the OP. A low-level systems programmers best SIDE tool is a high-level scripting language like python.

    You have some data you need to change into another format? Easy with python (never actually learned awk, which could be an option too, but is more limited). Need to generate the first N primes? Got you covered in just a couple of lines. And the use cases just go on and on.

    Each language has its use case, and for quick-n-dirty scripts, python is one of the superior languages out there (albeit not the only one, and personal taste always plays a role).

    For me personally, I have successfully avoided learning tools like sed, awk, and a couple other because I can do all they can and more with less than 10 very readable python lines.

    What I would like to know is the reason to just say no to it.
  • 2
    I'm feeling this in a weird opposite-but-not-actually-opposite way. My language of choice currently is Python, but a couple of months ago I was forced to (with one week of notice) to pick up on C++ for this generic programming course (where I was *supposed* to be able to choose the language myself, but that's another rant.)

    All I can think about is how have an idea of how I can solve the problems in the exercises before I even finish reading the instructions, but instead I'm forced to use a language I practically know nothing about, making said assignments take a couple of days instead of a couple of hours. At least it's not very difficult stuff. :/
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  • 2
    @aritzh very true. Python in awesome for the quick things you need to do if you can't bother doing it with c++
  • 1
    @oudalally 🤣
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