
Ok, who's the fucking retard that brought his quadcopter to the beach and is flying it around over people's heads?
Hope you land it in the sea and it burns to a crisp, you fucking moron!!

  • 5
    Don't get me wrong, drones are awesome and I've built one myself. But you NEVER fly it over a crowd!!
  • 1
    Hack it. Should be ez.
  • 0
    @BigBoo don't have my laptop with me since I'm on vacation, but I really wish I had something to take it down :/
  • 0
    @endor Could probably be do-able with your phone. But it depends on what drone it is. Some drones have garbage security.
  • 1
    @BigBoo oh right, didn't think of that in the moment, tbh I'm just here to relax and clear my mind.
    I've seen some demos on how easy the crappy ones are to take over, it's ridiculous
  • 0
    I'd just try to get it down
  • 1
    i hate this kind of people who fuckin do that. Most get it wrong tho and hate drones because of these idiots.
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