Why such hate on internet of things? Sure, it's not revolutionary, but I can see it being useful now and then

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    Iot is very useful. But if you care about privacy (I don't), you shouldn't use it.
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    Security reasons mainly
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    @GayDicks420 This and the default software/firmware shipped with the devices have shit tons of security vulnerabilities.
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    And some of the iffy companies can brick your device at a whim or simply by going under. Things should still work when the Internet connection goes down, not leave people without lights, ovens, washinmachines, kettles, toasters...
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    For me it's mostly an issue of breaking the Unix philosophy: a tool should do one thing and do it right.
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    It is no way to live if you cannot make coffee without internet. I need coffee to solve the "no internet" problem...
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    @magicMirror ha, nice deadlock!
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    Not counting security, the biggest barrier to adoption I would say is standardization. Having everything under the sun on the internet *will* be revolutionary. The reason it’s not yet is we haven’t figured out how all these things should talk together. Supposing everything just implemented an HTTP server and had an IP address, now everything can talk to each other, the question is what do they say?

    In full transparency I haven’t done a lot of research on this or anything but this is the impression I get: we just don’t know what “language” (in the protocol sense) these things should speak.
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