
Just found out the API of our zentracloud sensors is sending the units with a space before the actual unit. Couldn't figure out for half an hour why Doctrine is not finding the unit in the database. Encoding? JSON decoding? Character itself? Screw you. Screw you...

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    @impf0s I was giving this a look, and after careful research i found an issue right there:
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    @BGMP huh? :O
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    But percent does not have a whitespace before it ;)
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    Not sure why they'd put a space in front of it, when the unicode for percent ° is big enough as a spacer.

    Then again, a simple trim or regex on that key, when occurred, can parse and remove that for you before putting it in the database anyway.

    I see how this could be firing the rant though. It's not obvious at all...
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    @SanitizedOutput That’s definitely
    most probably the reason why
  • 0
    Additionally I have to say , that phpref didn't show me the pre-whitespace, because they didn't use the right css styles too
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