
Remember when during a tough game level u quicksaved like every 10 secs. Yea this was me today

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    The "hoping still works" additions in the commit messages are useless and just add clutter to the history. Just commit and do your thing, rollback if it's not working.

    It's git, there's no "hoping", it either works and you're fine, or it doesn't and you rollback or fix your shit.

    Also stating what you're going next, merging, is also useless. Do your merge and state that you merged _in that commit_

    I hate stuff like this
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    Just a small pet project. I was tryin to cheer me up a lil cuz i was breaking stuff every 5 mins. @Kimmax
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    git rebase -i HEAD~3
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    Thanks my project looks less miserable now
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    @GustafB be careful with git rebase HEAD~n when working with other people. rebase on a commit hash instead, its safer.
    I once rebased my feature branch on a commit that was previous of the commit where my branch diverged from master because of HEAD~n (I miscounted), so the rebase duplicated those commits and when merging the feature branch, master was a mess and it took us a while to figure out what happened.
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    @simulate thanks for the heads up! That is actually my normal workflow, although relatively resently acquired. Interactive rebase can be truly devious if you're not careful!
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