
*decides to take another look at the Arduino Mega and LCD*
*suddenly realizes that this LCD controller that I bought has a different pinout*

"Alright, let's look at the seller's product page and they better have a pinout for this fucking thing"

*tries to log into AliExpress*
*can't login*

"At this point I don't even know anymore if it's China that fucked up again or whether this is another feature from the Facefucks"

And honestly, if I want to start a project, I want to work on the fucking project. I don't want to have to deal with all this shit instead!!!

  • 4
    That's the shit you sign up for when buying parts from chinese sellers. What you save in money, you'll pay in time because of the lack of a good search, documentation and reliability.

    I buy a lot from AliExpress, too, but it's often not worth it – especially if you like to work with components and not ready-to-go modules. At least for me it isn't.
  • 5
    @7400 well the parts are often decent enough (except caps, the values of the ceramic ones I've bought there are all over the place).. just their application and website can at times be wonky, especially since I use oAuth from Facebook there.. terrible choice. Facebook messes with all my external applications like AliExpress but also Bitlbee (an IRC gateway which I use instead of Messenger). In the end I logged into their app from my phone.

    As for the pinout.. yeah it stated "3.2 inch TFT LCD compatible" but I don't think it is. Or maybe some other 3.2" displays with 40 pins instead of mine which only has 34 😕 maybe the seller can tell me more about it.
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