I started with Notepad++ (and continued like that for a while)

Then I tried jetbrains webstorm, I tried atom. I tried VS. They all have their cool stuff but I was never fully satisfied.

Now I tried brackets. I just opened a project I'm working on rn and started coding a little.
Half a hour passed and I still didn't notice that I had a light theme.

Yes. This is it. I'll stay with this editor. It just feels right. I just need to figure out how to use tabs not spaces...
(picture says just my opinion)

  • 23
    VSCode my friend.

    Brackets got reeeeaaally laggy as soon as your project is big enough (2 years ago, dunno if they still run fully in a browser-thing?)

    Same goes for Atom, somehow, performancewise they don't cut it for me.
  • 5
    @nitwhiz Dunno, I had the same project in atom and yes it got laggy. Maybe backets threshold is a little higher.
  • 17
    Visual Studio Code or Vim.

    I don't think there is anything that beats those.

    Brackets is nice for simple web development but I didn't found it usefull for anything else.

    Visual Studio sucks? It's an IDE and not an editor. One if not the best for C/C++/.NET development and so much more.
  • 4
    @8BitOverdose I'm pretty much only doing web development. And I know that VS is a pretty neat software but when I first used it, it just took ages to boot up and stuff. I want a little coding app, not a huge IDE. You're right. For C/C++ and stuff that might be better.
  • 5
    I love vs code. I use it for RN development and Ruby on Rails
  • 5
    For web design brackets is good enough
    Once you start to do the backend VSCode is the way to go
  • 12
    Sublime text is old faithful. VScode is good for JavaScript projects.
  • 6
    I prefer Sublime Text, it's small in size and fast doesn't eat much ram. VSCode for only JS work but not to often
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  • 2
    I used to use Brackets, and there's plenty of support and works fine for smaller projects, but with built in terminal support when I'm using python and loads of helpful integrated documentation when using PHP, I certainly love VSCode
  • 1
    @RantSomeWhere it's funny how my mind reads that as italics xD
    Who needs markdown when you can use plaintext

    Maybe I'll try it ;)
  • 4
    @BambuSource I think you're confusing Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. They are two different applications, Visual Studio Code is Microsoft's Atom competitor. It is open source and doesn't take half an hour to startup.
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    I like atom tbh, hate vscode though
  • 3
    @stupidcats I just don't like the way it works. Next to that I have a strong disliking/hate towards Microsoft and try to use as little as possible from them.
  • 3
    Sublime Text FTW!!! :)
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    Emacs boi
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    Atom is not slow :B
  • 1
    I tried brackets before, for HTML/CSS and JS I really enjoyed it.

    I’ve tried VSCode but disliked the key bindings as I’m use to using sublime 3
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    I tried that but it was not 100% perfect :( I could try again as they may have fixed them
  • 2
    Brackets is actually really good for webdev if you weren't using anything else up to that point.
    As I was used to NPP (a d after that, Sublime), it was very interesting as an out-of-the-box solution. But nothing you wouldn't be able to configure on other editors.
    Now that I use VSCode, that's even more evident.
  • 4
    Atom = Electron = Chrome

    Using Atom for 1 year (maybe a bit longer) and it never was laggy. I just love my dark-material theme soo it's the best editor for me
  • 2
    @CodeAlex it gets laggy with time if you start to add tons of stuff. Because JS.
    But that's normal, I think.
  • 0
    @DarkMelchiah editors should be invisible when using them. If they take attention from what you are trying to do using them, in any way, that is already a problem
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    @balaianu I get you. But I haven't meant that it's normal for an editor to be laggy with a lot of stuff. But JS. :v
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    @DarkMelchiah well, that should not be normal either :p
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    ++ for Sublime
    ++ for Vim
  • 1
    @BambuSource You seem to be confused between VScode and visual studio. VScode is just a text editor, not an IDE. They're completely different projects.
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    @BambuSource I found that vs starts relatively quickly if you don't use it only once between reboots.
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    Switched to VS code from Brackets. So far,my experience was good. Idk,why the new update of Brackets closes unexpectedly and takes a lot of time to load.
    I am not really a fan of atom,so I won't say much about it.
    I use notepad++ and vim for scripting tasks on Windows/Linux respectively and nano too sometimes :)
  • 1
    For god sake, are you comparing notepad or brackets to 2 powerful IDE? If you do not need a complex and powerful development environment, don't blame it when you can't work effectively with it.
    I sugfest you vscode by the way. Fast , reliable and highly customizable.
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