
So, I had to took a 4 hours bus today. I woke up ealry and prepared everything. Left home with time because I didn't wanted to fuck anything up and lose the bus. I went then to the bus station and went to order the ticket, they told me the bus leaved in the other bus station of the city (that is in the other side of the city). I had like 20 mins left. I had to take a train to arrive at the other bus station 5 minutes before the bus leaved. There were 4 people buying tickets. The first one was quick. The second one was that person that is slow as fuck and drops the money, like those old people in tje supermarket. I nearly lost my nerves and asked to those two persons ib front of me like "my bus is leaving in 3 minutes, can I get the ticket first?". Then I bought the ticket and ran to the bus. It was closing the doors. Luckily I could get in. I don't think that I was never close to lose some transport like this.

The good thing is that it has charger and wifi :D

PD: the station is huge, like 50 different buses. I was really lucky to find it at the first try :D

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