
I swear by all that is binary when I see Siri I’m going to curb stomp that skank. She single handedly makes me want to toss my iPhone X (which is heavy) into an Apple store window then pick it up to ask for assistance with a representative. I hate having to say “hey Siri!” just so she can take her sweet ass time to answer me. When I speak she fucking deaf and misinterprets what I say 80% of the time. English is my native language. I have to talk like a robot for her to get me. Alexa I’ve noticed works faster and more accurate. Siri take note!

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    @2lazy2debug correct Alexa needs to be called but she responds much faster. You don’t have to wait for the speak queue after saying Alexa. You can say an entire sentence starting with Alexa and usually she’ll hear it all. I love Siri but we have issues. It’s complicated lol
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